HP8595E HP 8595E Agilent 8595E 频谱分析仪
产品名称: HP8595E频谱分析仪
产品型号: HP8595E
产品名称:6.5G HP8595E 二手仪器HP8595E
品 牌:HP二手仪器HP8595E
产品指标:6.5GHz 二手仪器HP8595E
频率范围:9KHZ-6.5GHZ 二手仪器HP8595E
OPT:UK6 二手仪器HP8595E
便于使用、可扩展的便谐式频谱分析仪 二手仪器HP8595E
有各种范围的价格和性能可选择 二手仪器HP8595E
用一个按钮即可进行FFT、TOI、ACP等测量 二手仪器HP8595E
具有扩展的存储器和示迹存储功能 二手仪器HP8595E
可选用窄分辨带宽 二手仪器HP8595E
可提供定制的专用测试软件 二手仪器HP8595E
HP8564E Agilent 8564E 便携式频谱分析仪,
9 kHz ~40 GHz
Discontinued product - support information only. This product has been replaced by the 8564EC .
The Agilent 8564E portable millimeter spectrum analyzer offers the measurement capability and performance previously found in larger, more expensive benchtop analyzers. You can measure signals from 30 Hz to 40 GHz (preselected above 2.75 GHz) with a single coaxial connection.
The 8564E combines outstanding phase noise, sensitivity, 1 Hz resolution bandwidths, synthesized tuning and wide dynamic range in a MIL-rugged package built to withstand harsh environmental conditions. It offers a complete solution for adjacent-channel power (ACP) testing of burst carrier signals using digital modulation, and the ability to measure occupied bandwidth percentage.
· Continuous 30 Hz to 40 GHz sweep
· Fast digital resolution bandwidths of 1, 3, 10, 30 and 100 Hz
· Adjacent channel power, channel power, carrier power, occupied bandwidth percentage and time-gated measurements standard
· Precision timebase and 1 Hz counter resolution
· MIL-T-28800 rugged
· Measurement personalities for digital radio and phase noise measurements
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