HP8594Q HP 8594Q Agilent 8594Q 频谱分析仪
594Q QAM分析仪
8594Q QAM分析仪是RF安装和维护的综合解决方案,用来测试有线电视系统上的DVB-C(有线数字视频广播)信号。它向工程师提供 检验送至用户业务质量所需的测量功能。所有的测量都很容易接入,并以清楚的图形显示呈现测量结果。
8594Q QAM分析仪将帮助您进行:
·在6MHz信道带宽中的Opt J91-调制测试
8594Q QAM分析仪解调和 测量经DVB-C系统运载的16,64或256 QAM信号。它提供新的测量度量标准,这些标准对于表征信号和查找问题都是必须的。图形显示器、清楚的用户界面以及单键测量能力将有助于模拟有线电视工程师方便地转向数字电线电视。
· Field testing solution for 64 and 256 QAM digital cable TV systems
· Test from the headend to the subscriber drop
· Comprehensive suite of RF, modulation, and data quality measurements, based on recommendations for testing DVB-C systems
· Verify your quality of service
All cable TV network operators planning the introduction of digital services have increasing competitive pressure to install these new services - quickly. Aggressive activation schedules require test equipment capable of verifying your quality of service - fast.
The Agilent 8594Q QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) analyzer is a comprehensive and powerful test solution, primarily designed for installation and maintenance test on European DVB-C systems.
Supporting 8, 4 and 2 MHz channel bandwidths, the 8594Q QAM analyzer makes both qualitative and quantitative measurements on the transmitted 64 QAM signal. It gives engineers the measurement capability required to accurately verify the quality of service delivered to subscribers.
Option J91 supports the 6 MHz channel bandwidth and symbol rates used on cable systems in North America and elsewhere.
The 8594Q QAM analyzer can help you during: headend equipment installation and maintenance, system verification, field installation and maintenance, and modulator manufacturing test.
The 8594Q QAM analyzer demodulates and accurately measures the QAM signals carried through the DVB-C system. It provides new measurement metrics necessary to characterize these signals and troubleshoot problems. The 8594Q QAM analyzer's graphical displays, clear user interface, and one-button measurement capability will make the transition from analog to digital testing easy for cable TV engineers.
Add option 195 to the 8594Q QAM analyzer to verify that the DVB-C MPEG data has been correctly decoded, and check transport stream content. The option also provides a real-time output (both ASI and parallel),
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